Inpatient Addiction Treatment
An addiction to drugs or alcohol can ruin your life and it can quickly ruin the lives of those around you as well. The faster you take action and seek the help that you need, the fewer people you will hurt in the process. Inpatient addiction treatment provides the most effective and invasive type of addiction treatment that is specially designed to help patients who suffer from complex and highly physical addictions to drugs or alcohol. Inpatient addiction treatment removes the addict from their comfort zone and places them into a facility where every aspect of their life revolves around addiction treatment and making a full recovery from addiction.
Although this type of treatment can be costly and may not be right for every addict, those who have complex addictions or who have tried to stop using drugs or alcohol on their own but have relapsed or failed for any reason may benefit greatly from inpatient addiction treatment and the range of services that are provided at inpatient rehab centers. Inpatient addiction treatment is considered one of the most effective types of addiction treatment available and is highly regarded as the ideal treatment for alcohol addiction, heroin addiction, methamphetamine addiction, cocaine addiction and addiction to various prescription medications such as Oxycontin, Morphine, Dilaudid, Percocet, Xanax and other drugs.
What is Inpatient Addiction Treatment?
Inpatient addiction treatment is provided at residential treatment centers and rehab centers across the country. These programs provide the patient with around the clock medical monitoring in a supervised environment where the patient will live for the duration of the addiction treatment process. Offering a highly invasive type of treatment, inpatient addiction treatment programs require patients to have limited access with the outside world for a period of time so that all of their thoughts and efforts can be focused on recovery.
Inpatient addiction treatment provides 24 hour monitoring which is preferred especially during the drug or alcohol detox phase which can quickly take a turn for the worst. These programs are highly monitored also to prevent drugs or alcohol from entering the facility. The absence of drugs or alcohol from the facility and the inability for the patient to have access to such substances greatly reduces the risk of relapse while an addict is receiving treatment at an inpatient addiction treatment center.
What to Expect at Inpatient Addiction Treatment Centers
Inpatient addiction treatment centers provide a range of services and support options that can differ greatly from one location to the next. In general, inpatient addiction treatment centers provide a range of counseling, therapy and medical services that are aimed at helping addicts overcome both the physical and the psychological aspects of addiction. You may find any combination of the following treatments available at inpatient addiction treatment centers:
- Detox in a medically supervised environment
- Individual counseling
- Group counseling
- Family counseling
- Medical assessments
- Exercise classes and opportunities
- Yoga, Tai-Chi, or meditation
- Educational opportunities
- Life Skills training
Not all inpatient addiction treatment centers will provide all of the services listed above but in general individual and group counseling provides the foundation for all types of addiction treatment. In most cases, addiction treatment at inpatient treatment centers is tailored to meet the very unique individual needs of each addict.
How Long Does Inpatient Addiction Treatment Take?
Inpatient addiction treatment could take only a few days or may last many months. In general, most therapists and counselors recommend that inpatient addiction treatment last for a period of at least 90 days in order to provide the best possible chance for recovery. Most of the time, inpatient addiction treatment lasts at least a month and generally it will last 90 days or more depending on the level of addiction and the type of addiction that the patient suffers from. If you or someone you love is addicted to drugs or alcohol and is considering inpatient addiction treatment, the length of time that you will be in treatment will likely depend largely in part on how quickly you achieve the goals that are set forth in your treatment plan.